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翡翠可以说是最好的玉石之一,因为玉石包含的种类也有很多价值不菲的,像和田玉,蓝田玉,岫玉等等。 其中和田玉就曾经出现过竞拍过亿的料子。可以说每一种玉石自身都有优劣高低之分,像翡翠,便宜的翡翠只卖几十上百,而好的翡翠几乎都是几十万,上百万的,


Jade is the name of a bird, its feathers are very beautiful, red for the male, called "Fei", green for the female, called "emerald". After the Qing Dynasty, the feathers of jade birds were loved by the imperial concubines. At the same time, a large number of Burmese jade from Myanmar began to dominate the palace. The color of this Burmese jade was mainly green and red, bright color, very similar to the feathers of jade birds, so people called this jade "jade".


Due to the difference of the environment, jade raw stone is large and small, some weigh hundreds of jin or even tons, some only dozens of jin, generally speaking, the same conditions, the larger, the more expensive original stone price, the higher the risk; small original stone price is relatively low, small risk, so some experts prefer a smaller original stone.


大家好,这里是驰杨翡翠,我是小杨,这篇文章给大家详细介绍翡翠的种水,是之前视频的一个补充,也希望这些知识能帮到各位翠友。 首先大伙儿要知道一点,“种水”这个概念并没有一个非常精准官方的数据,即使有精确到毫米级的说法(确实有),但人们日常中判


This "ice waxy seed jade raw stone" weight: 176.6g, only adult fist size is about the same, is a rare good material. Through the window, you can see the exposed jade meat delicate and clean, good texture, and sufficient water head. Many people will use "three warm, seven cold" to describe the ice waxy jade. It looks pure and transparent, not only beautiful but also has a considerable appreciation space, so it also attracts the attention of a few people.


For hundreds of years, jade is the world's only called "gambling stone", and jade raw stone —— for processing jade raw stone, because of its beautiful color and crystal clear characteristics, is a symbol of beauty and auspicious, represents an important cultural connotation; whether it is or carved jade raw stone, by thousands of households, manufacturers and collectors.


Jade raw stone is the king of jade in the world, which is a non-renewable resource. As the raw stone is dug less and less, resulting in the price soaring year by year, so there is a high space for appreciation.

本文源自头条号:道古收藏 如有侵权请联系删除


翡翠属于玉石的一种,在中国有着悠久的历史文化,“玉文化”就此诞生,“玉文化”是中华传统文化的重要组成部分之一。所以翡翠在华人的心里是有着特殊的意义的。 而且翡翠属于不可再生资源,是挖一点少一点的。世界上翡翠产量最高,质量最好的原产地是缅甸,
