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也许翠友们已经见惯了千万级别的翡翠手镯, 但能陪伴你一生的也许只是一只简单的手镯。 它将成为你一生的心爱之物,而.... 上面的这位老奶奶已经在翡翠圈里面火了, 就因为她手上戴的那一只翡翠手镯, 据说这只翡翠手镯是老奶奶60年前, 结婚的时候花了11块钱

观音菩萨在大乘佛教中被认为是西方极 乐世界教主阿弥陀佛的意念之子。是阿弥陀佛座下的上首菩萨。同大势至菩萨同为阿弥陀佛身边胁侍菩萨,与阿弥陀佛并称“西方三圣”。在国人心目中,她与释迦牟尼佛的关系似乎更为密切,在《西游记》俨然是释迦牟尼佛的代言人。她是中国人最喜欢的佛教偶像之一。

In Mahayana Buddhism, Avalokitesvara bodhisattva is regarded as the ideologe of Amitabha, the western master of paradise. It is the first Bodhisattva under the throne of Amitabha Buddha. Together with Da Shi Zhi Bodhisattva, he is the attendant Bodhisattva beside Amitabha Buddha, and they are called "the three Western saints". In the eyes of Chinese people, she seems to have a closer relationship with Sakyamuni Buddha, acting as his spokesperson in Journey to the West. She is one of the most popular Buddhist idols in China.


Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, the full title is "great mercy to save the suffering avalokitesvara." Other names include Savior Bodhisattva, Lotus Hand Bodhisattva, Yuan Tong Da Shi, etc. Because avoid Tang Taizong Li Shimin taboo, omit "world" word, abbreviation "Guanyin". The name of Avalokitesvara contains the virtues and thoughts of Bodhisattva who is kind and merciful to the world.

观世音大约是在三国时期传入中国的,南北朝时期,观音已逐渐获得社会上的普遍信仰。 南北朝以前,观音菩萨的造像多作男性打扮,唇上蓄有小胡子,表明观音在印度本土为男性。隋唐时密宗兴起,观音密典盛译,特别是武则天称周前后,一大批密宗造像在石窟摩崖与寺庙出现,从此,这些密教经像都在观音信仰中居重要地位,尤其是千手观音。

Avalokitesvara was introduced to China around The Three Kingdoms Period. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Avalokitesvara gradually gained a widespread belief in the society. Before the Northern and Southern Dynasties, statues of Guanyin bodhisattva were often dressed as men, with a mustache on their lips, indicating that Guanyin was male in India. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, tantric Buddhism flourished and Guanyin's esotericism flourished. Wu Zetian, in particular, said that a large number of statues of tantric Buddhism appeared in caves, cliffs and temples before and after the zhou Dynasty. From then on, these statues occupied an important position in guanyin belief, especially guanyin with thousands of hands.



冰种绿晴水正圈翡翠手镯 冰种绿晴水正圈翡翠手镯 冰种绿晴水正圈翡翠手镯 冰种绿晴水正圈翡翠手镯 冰种绿晴水正圈翡翠手镯 冰种绿晴水正圈翡翠手镯

Whether it was the Nanzhao and Dali states of Yunnan in the Tang and Song dynasties, or the Xixia Buddhist art created by the Dangxiang people in the Western Xia Period, Guanyin was still dominated by male forms.After tang Dynasty, when Guan Yin appeared as a female image, it was most popular among female believers. Not only were the main statues made of Guan Yin in nunneries, but also most of them were worshipped in ordinary families. Avalokitesvara in The Song Dynasty was gradually secularized, and its distinctive symbol was the birth of the legend of Princess Miaoshan as the biography of Avalokitesvara.

此翡翠玉观音高27.2厘米,高9厘米,此雕件中观音手持莲花,赤足踏浪而行,线条流畅,褶皱起伏分外分明,鬓角分明,头顶一佛子。莲花自古有出淤泥而不染的形象,代表了圣洁。在佛教里,很多地方都以莲喻佛。此藏品材质珍稀,工艺流畅,具有极高的收藏价值 。

The jade Avalokitesvara is 27.2cm high and 9cm high. The goddess holds a lotus flower in her hand. She walks on the waves in her bare feet, with smooth lines. Lotus from ancient times out of the mud but not the image of dye, on behalf of holiness. In Buddhism, lotus flowers are referred to as Buddha in many places. Material of this collection

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