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Jadeite, also known as jadeite jade, jade, myanmar jade, jade is a kind of jade. Ice waxy seed is generally refers to the transparency of good, good water waxy seed can reach the ice species level of a variety of jade, in order to distinguish the common waxy seed, this is also called ice species bottom. Evaluation of jadeite has "land", "good water", "Emerald good" and other terms. "Land" refers to other colors in jadeite, less emerald is more superior; "Good water" refers to the jade texture delicate lubrication, transparent clear, crystal dignified, bi liang xiexie, also known as "Qiao", on the contrary, said "water poor"; "Cui get good" when he "thick, Yang, zheng, and" four words, "thick" refers to the thick but not light, such as after the rain Holly, "Yang" refers to bright and bright, "positive" refers to no miscellaneous color, evil color mix, "and" refers to the green evenly without the depth of the points, on the contrary, it is called "light, Yin, evil, flower".


During the long years, our ancestors created many auspicious patterns for yearning for and pursuing a better life. These auspicious patterns are integrated with the working people's habits of appreciation, reflecting people's good and healthy thoughts and feelings, and thus widely spread in the society, for people are pleased to see. Auspicious patterns are widely used on jade in the past dynasties. "Wear gold to show wealth, wear jade to protect peace", jade carved auspicious patterns vivid, a variety of materials, including figures, implements, animals, plants, and so on, the performance of the content is to pray for good luck, peace and prosperity, many children, promotion and wealth, jade is the treasure in the hands of The Chinese, but also the soul in the heart. Gold and silver have value jade cross predestination. The categories of jade carving include Jade Buddha, Ruyi, Ping Ping, bamboo festival, Changshengsuo, Fu Dou, PI xiu and so on. The implication is rich, such as a hundred years good harmony, Dragon and Phoenix chengxiang, longevity and happiness, number one scholar and even promoted to the third level, good luck and so on.


珠宝首饰一直都是女生们的挚爱,因为它既能够增添时尚感,又能增强气场,首饰永远都是一个精致女性不可缺少的搭配。 珠宝首饰中的翡翠,可以说是珍宝中的珍宝,中国人对翡翠有天生的好感,因为它的质感水灵通透,让人爱不释手,每个人都想拥有属于自己的翡翠


This qing Leaf-shaped ice jade pendant weighs 36.3 grams. The surface depicts the image of leaves, fresh and refined at the same time, also placed a deep blessing: exchequer rolling in, descendants full house, golden list title, official prosperity and other good prospects can accompany the jade pendant with its life. The jade is exquisite and beautiful in material. Excellent carver, product phase intact, Qin Color ya Mei. The image of the whole machine is vivid and lovely, the details are meticulously carved, polished and polished, and the brightness is excellent. The carver is delicate and elegant. Very rare. It is a rare collection of good luck.

本文源自头条号:四川嘉玉宝阁 如有侵权请联系删除


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